General ConsultancyClick To View
The PEG company provides the following services :
- Feasibility Studies
- Plant Modernisation & Upgrades
- Alternative Fuels
- Audits
- Procurement Services
- Engineering & Design
- Geological
- Project Management
- Cement Batching Plants
- Amongst others

Project ManagementClick To View
In order to guarantee the implementation of a project on time and on budget PEG can provide clients its expertise as project managers.
This service includes:
- Pre-project studies and evaluation
- Drawing up of tender documents
- Call for tender evaluation
- Contracting
- Technical audit
- Checking of drawings
- Site management
- Supervision of manufactured equipment
- Supervision of engineering
- Supervision of construction and erection

Feasibility StudiesClick To View
PEG provides bankable feasibility studies, the purpose of which is to initially investigate the existing conditions of a project e.g.
- characteristics of raw materials
- site conditions
- local infrastructure
- financials
- market conditions
- technical needs
- Amongst others

These studies provide the owner/client/ investors an overview of the whole project. It is there to determine whether all the required factors are united in order successfully commission the project.
PEG conducts all feasibility studies following international standards. As a result our feasibility studies can be used as part of an application for financing. This can come from banks. loaning institutions, etc.
During our +50 years experience in conducting such studies PEG has gained the trust and accreditation of major international banks and financial institutions, examples of which can be found here.
Plant Modernisation & UpgradesClick To View
One of the ways to improve the financial figures of a cement plant is initiate a modernization program. PEG provides consultancy services for the modernization and upgrading of cement plants. PEG’s scope of work in this field includes but is not limited to the:
- Development of the technical concepts
- Elaboration of equipment list
- General investment assessments
- Expert advice on efficient implementation

Being independent from all equipment suppliers PEG is able to elaborate a solution consisting of equipment that is suitable for the required technical tasks and expected capacities, whilst at the same time, appropriate for a client’s budget.
Our knowhow of the cement production process combined with our knowledge of the cement equipment market allows us to combine top quality equipment with price efficient local fabrication and alternative suppliers.
PEG is ready to provide ‘turnkey solutions’ starting from the elaboration of a technical concept, right through to commissioning and start up of the plant.
Today’s trend in plant modernization is in many cases related to the conversion of a cement production line from its original “primary” fuel to “alternative” cheaper fuel.
PEG provides services that include:
- Wet to dry process conversions
- Coal conversions
- Heavy oil conversions
- Alternative fuel conversions and the utilization of waste derived fuels
- Amongst others